Much more than
sending samples
Win over your shoppers, let them get to know your products,
and find out how they rate them!
probaj besplatno is a platform for discovering products
It allows your customers to try out your new product, rate it, share their opinion on it and help other customers become well informed on the product they will get. 

Our mission is to encourage shoppers to become a trusting source of recommendations and descriptions of the products on the market.
probaj besplatno is a platform for discovering products
It allows your customers to try out your new product, rate it, share their opinion on it and help other customers become well informed on the product they will get. 

Our mission is to encourage shoppers to become a trusting source of recommendations and descriptions of the products on the market.
Targeted sampling
By targeting your ideal shoppers using a large base of members - which includes the data on their demographic characteristics, activity on the platform, their needs and wishes - we can help your shoppers get to know your products!
Targeted sampling
By targeting your ideal shoppers using a large base of members - which includes the data on their demographic characteristics, activity on the platform, their needs and wishes - we can help your shoppers get to know your products!
Directly into hands of shoppers!
Each product sample gets sent directly to the home address of members belonging to the target group.
We can even create a probaj besplatno box branded with your product line.
Directly into hands of shoppers!
Each product sample gets sent directly to the home address of members belonging to the target group.
We can even create a probaj besplatno box branded with your product line.
"Shoppers are experts!"
This is a concept we stick to in everything we do.

Targetiranjem Vaših idealnih potrošača, koristeći veliku bazu članova, uključujući demografiju, aktivnost članova na platformi, njihove izražene želje i potrebe, sa ciljem da Vaš proizvod upozna baš budući potrošač.
Svaki uzorak proizvoda šaljemo isključivo na kućnu adresu članova koji pripadaju izabranoj ciljnoj grupi. Za Vas možemo kreirati i Probaj besplatno kutiju brendiranu Vašom linijom proizvoda.
Ovo je koncept kojeg se držimo u svemu što radimo.
probaj besplatno digital activations
probaj besplatno
digital activations
Every product sample that we send to our members has additional advertising support from our team
We will support your digital campaigns and enable digital activations
We deal with enlarging event attendance
We will promote your product in a particular geo-zone
We boost effects of in-store activation
probaj besplatno insights
Our insight data informs about current trends and their evolution as well as brands, products and innovations that will be popular in the future. 

We provide more than just a gender number of hits, comments and forwarded links, more than a bigger number of tested and reviewed samples. We know which products ad brands customers talk about, who does the talking, what they're saying and why, what's recommended and liked, and what's unpopular. 
probaj besplatno insights
Our insight data informs about current trends and their evolution as well as brands, products and innovations that will be popular in the future. 

We provide more than just a gender number of hits, comments and forwarded links, more than a bigger number of tested and reviewed samples. We know which products ad brands customers talk about, who does the talking, what they're saying and why, what's recommended and liked, and what's unpopular. 
probaj besplatno
titule of the best

Best in category, best rated, most recommended, most rated... All these titles are rewarded once a year.
probaj besplatno
titule of the best

Best in category, best rated, most recommended, most rated... All these titles are rewarded once a year.
Learn more about shopper winning
The comments of customers, our members who got your product for testing and sharing recommendations, are available to you on an online platform at any time given. 
Contact us
If you're interested in getting to know more about winning (new) shoppers over from probaj besplatno, you can fill the form below.
or send an email directly to
Probaj besplatno
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